Monday, September 19, 2011

Canoe-Camp-Content 09-13-2011

          The day started slow, just could not get motivated to get going.  Only had a couple of errands to run and then could get ready to go on an one night camping trip. Finished my errands and stopped at the store to buy some hot dogs for my supper, got a few other food items and twenty dollars. [ I am always amazed that I can ask for money and the clerk just hands it over to me-Where does it come from?]  Finally loaded up the truck, loaded up Gracie, and pulled myself into the cab. Still not acting like a man who had been anticipating this trip for two weeks. Sometimes a body is just tired. As late as it was we stopped and ate a sub before heading to the lake. Put in at 1:00pm- Jocassee about 20 feet below full pond and lots of shore line showing, we made our first stop at 1:51pm 2.2miles from the boat ramp. Knowing that we had plenty of time to get to the camp site Gracie and I took a long break, playing in the water and soaking up the sun! Paddled with a steady stroke, making good time moving on the clear quiet water. We were slowly and quietly following the shore line heading toward  the bridge that crosses over the Toxaway River, this is just as you come out of the narrow part of the lake crossing the boarder into NC. Off to my right I see movement near the tree line and a big ole bear is wandering out of the woods and into the open space between the water and the woods! Well shut my mouth! Never have I seen a bear in the wild before. Slowly get the camera and start taking pictures. He never even looks my way.


Black Bear - Lake Jocassee
          The bear is gone and I am thrilled to have seen him, this is by far the highlight of this trip. We paddle on up toward the bridge where we hope to camp on top of this bluff over looking the lake. The closer we get to the bridge the harder to paddle, the Toxaway river is flowing fast because the lake is so low. Here is no lake just river. Can not get to the bluff so we just find a place anywhere and hope the Camping Police don't show up. [They don't ]  I get the camp set up and we wait for the full moon to rise. We traveled ten miles this afternoon and I'm sitting in the chair soaking in the wilderness, Gracie is sleeping near me.  There is a log that appears to be moving across the lake with a purpose and direction in life, I don't think logs are capable of that! I get my binoculars and walk to the shore line looking at this moving log which is not a log, but a mama bear and her two cubs! Does it really get any better than this????  I watch as they come on shore and walk a little ways before trailing off into the woods. I am so sorry that my camera, even with it's zoom lens was not able to get a picture. What is better than seeing one bear?  Seeing four bears!

Campsite from shore.

Lake view from tent.
          After dark we built a small fire and roasted a couple of hot dogs. It was fun to put a fire pit together in the sand, plenty of rocks for the circle and plenty of dead wood laying around for the teepee style fire. Used my big sheath knife to cut a stick to roast the dogs with--NOT Gracie-- and then used it to cut open the package of weenies. Only mention that because I always take the knife, but never really need it except to open food packs of some kind or the other. Normally eat freeze dried food, but to night was special.
  • The moon is fuller and richer- as it shines  among the crisp stars placed on the black banner of midnight proclaiming God is God!
  • The air is filtered clean- as it breezes through the pine,spruce and hard woods of the forest  reminding one that God is God! 
  •  The lake water is still-as it reflects the moon, the stars,and even the boulders on the shore steadfastly stating that God is God! 
  • Man is humbled- as he is reminded by nature that God is God!

          The night was a good night, moonlight filled all night. When I woke at 7:00am the moon could still be seen even as the sun light filled the sky. Think I saw a bald eagle,but not positive so won't say I did. Nothing eventful happen as we paddled to the boat ramp, saw a big bird, he looked rather proud and pompous standing on shore. Tried to get a picture of him in flight, but to no avail!

          It is always good to get away from time to time, when I got home that afternoon the family and I went out to eat and had a fun time, the next day I went to work and the normal life continued. Gracie,she just sleeps and eats until the next time.

         On the lake or in the woods,,,,,,,,,


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