View from Lake Jocassee 95 degree weather |
We took a few weeks off from blogging, was not planned, it just happened that way! It has been hot here in South Carolina, as it has been in many other parts of the USA. I will use that as my excuse for not getting out side and taking long hikes, have been walking at the local Univ. around the rubber track and trying to keep moving. All the lake water levels are lower than normal and the sun really heats up over the flat water, that is my excuse for not paddling this past month. Those are not good excuses for someone who loves to be outdoors, how about I have just been plain ole lazy! Maybe, I have had to work more hours at work-no that's not right- that excuse won't work either. I really think that the lazy excuse is the correct one! I love to read and have read lots of books sitting in my air conditioned house. My wife and I took a four day vacation down to Charleston, SC a couple of weeks ago, we did a lot of eating and sleeping. One afternoon we went to the beach and laid around like middle-aged people do when they go to the beach-now I wonder why that was? I did go for a stroll down the beach and saw several of those hermit crabs hiding in their shells, shells move when the crabs walk and they leave little foot prints in the sand. The sun was also hot at the beach and I did get cherry red, but that's OK, when I go to the beach I want to look like I've been to the beach.
Good news for me and for you too, I'm getting a new computer. This computer is so old the Wells Fargo stagecoach delivered it to the local trading post many years ago and I tied it on the back of my pack mule to get it home. The three mice- blind mice - who turn the wheel that turns the generator to make the electricity are almost to old to run and it is time to retire them to a cedar shavings filled tube house with no wheel just fresh food and clean water. Should have it in a couple of weeks,then I'll just have to learn how to use it!!!
These next two work weeks are busy weeks for me, but I'll stay in touch. Keep cool and be cool!
In the woods or on the water,