Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Playing Hookie in the Dark


                   The plan is to retire from my job of the past twenty-five years and it is becoming most difficult to continue to leave the house and fulfill my work requirements. I'm pretty much ready to quit now and kiss that part of my life goodbye.  But alas certain steps must be followed and a couple of personal goals shall be met. So, I continue to leave the house and drive the drive to my place of employment. I put my smile on and pull the happy attitude out from under the back seat and wrap it around my shoulders like a paisley scarf. And sashay into the workplace sporting steel toed shoes, jeans and matching tee shirt. Some times I'm there for eight hours and sometimes I'm Mister Worker Bee for twelve hours. It's a good job and I have no complaints.

                    Scrolling back through my blog I've discovered some posts that are labeled as a

 "Draft" and have never been finished or published. I knew that I had gotten slack and pushed the blog off to the side but didn't remember having unfinished business. So two years and two months later I'll quickly finish this post.    I did retire and have spent many hours and miles wandering in the woods since then.  These two pictures were taken on a full moon night at the Tall Pines WMA.

                    I'm trying to get back into writing about my dull boring adventures. 

Read along,




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