Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Short Report

    It has been a good day! You say, must be he went hiking today and you are right. Bad Creek Trail Access is where I entered the Foothills Trail. It is a half mile hike to the trail, once there you cross the Whitewater
river on two bridges and enter the trail. A left turn will take you to the Upper Whitewater Falls, hike forward and go to the Thompson River or spur off the Foothills Trail and go to the Lower Whitewater Falls overlook. Having been to the overlook before I chose to go toward the Thompson River, a section of the Trail I had not yet hiked. A nice hike, not too rugged. Thankfully my knees are now strong enough to not only climb these trails, but also walk down them. It is a joy to hike pain free, thank God for these  newfangled knees! Not being sure of the time we turned around and headed back to the trail head. When we got back we saw that we had enough time to hike the trail to the Coon Branch Natural Area. Now this is a very nice hike, good for small children and other beginning hikers.

There were several other hikers on the trail, most had a dog or even dogs with them. Gracie was gracious and did not start any fights, just did the I'll sniff you and you sniff me thing. Aren't we glad people don't do that?

Tomorrow is a new day and the start of a new week, hopefully by the end of this week I will be back on normal work duties. That will be a good thing!



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