Saturday, January 30, 2021

After Dark

                  After dark on a cold January night. The moon was one night after full, so pretty much a full moon. It was almost high noon but night time. I couldn't get any reflections off the still water, everything was just stationary and quiet and cold and dead. Steady, stealthy, and sure I kept to the spotted footpath lit by filtered moonlight. The shadows of trees and branches and limbs and twigs crisscrossed the pathway with images of black snakes laying in wait for the wayward misstep. I focused on memory and keen sense of awareness as I traveled along side the glowing lake into peace and total isolation surrounded by cold leafless trees and dying vegetation. 

                  Alone.  heard nothing, felt nothing. Alone

The cold numbing air is invigorating and cleansing for the soul but I meandered to the trailhead and loaded myself into the truck and followed the fading blacktop home. 

In the woods or on the water



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